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Around The Campfire

Around The Campfire

Roast yourself a marshmallow and join comedian Alissia Marsh and friendly fellow Chrimbo every week as they get together to trade campfire tales and good news.

Episodes you may like:
Dumpster dinner

What's for dinner ? Maybe a muffine? Alissia and Chris talk about the besr dessert to bring to Chris new girl's mum lol

Speed demon

Chrimbo has one dream one goal, to make it to the pod on time. Will he do it? I don't know I don't remember the show honestly.

Pit Daddy

In this variety-show, lucky-dip, grab-bag of goodies, your favourite hosts talk long-distance relationships, mosh-pit etiquette, the perils of a public persona, dangerous bicycle holidays and dream interpretation. Also, a brief discussion of Wrestlemania. So yeah, really just no theme at all, no common thread, just havin' a yarn. You guys are into this, yeah?