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Business Shakers

Business Shakers

Season 1 Episode: 13

So you have a new business…. Now what?

Setting out and finding the right education and licences is crucial to ensuring that you are the right person for the job.
Today we are joined by a professional in his field and setting out to change one roof and one building at a time.
Andrew Booth talks with us about legislation, regulations and getting it right the first time.

More Episodes:

Marketing and sales

It's time to take your business to the next level. The ying and yang of of sales and marketing, join us as we dive into why you need to step up and beat fear to market your business.

Business and Politics with Bass Tadros

Politics and business. Is it good or is it a mixed bag of BS? Speaking with Bass Tadros from the Health Australia Party and candidate for Western Australia's Agricultural region, we learn more about politics and business and how your decision to have a voice impacts our future.

What more information about Bas Tadros visit Health Australia Party

Make you SEO stand out.

We continue our series on How to be seen, as we dive into search engine optimisation and websites. Our conversation with Reem Kubba from The SEO Room gives an insight on the importance of SEO and how to make your website rank on page number one on Google. Visit for more information.