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Supernal Radio Show

Supernal Radio Show

<p>Each week sit down with a cuppa tea and enjoy a magazine style show about Supernal Magazine. Each week they will chat about topics that are coming up in future issues of Supernal Magazine.</p>

Episodes you may like:
Corona Virus - Choose Empowerment!

WARNING:he following episode is for entertainment purposes only and any advise given during the show is general information and not a personal advise. Supernal Radio recommends that you ring the coronavirus hotline 1800 020 080.

In this Special Episode of Supernal Magazine Radio, ShirleySienna Coventry, Freya Sampson and Anthony Kilner delve into the hysteria and fear that has created panic around the globe regarding the pandemic – Covid-19 or Corona Virus. This discussion looks at a raft of aspects from the physical in understanding flight or fight responses from the brain that are created poor media practices and fear-based negative thoughts. These thoughts are very real and are impacting individuals and communities in a horrible way.

The team then turns that negativity into positivity through discussion on ways to tackle those fears head on through education and their own personal experiences. They offer tips to support people through these interesting times and really drive home the point that listeners don’t need to feel isolated at any stage. Apart from family and friends there are government hot lines, Life Line and other organisations there to support people at all times.

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Aussie Global Film and Documentary Maker

Geoff Cantor is an Aussie documentary and film maker based in Queensland. His story is pretty amazing, leaving home at 19 from a well to do family and travelling the world never knowing if he was going to eat or not on any given day.

He found himself in India studying Yoga before finding a Yogi who he studied under for many years. Geoff is a fascinating character and in this interview that shines through. He is a remarkable man doing remarkable things! Geoff wrote a story for the April Issue of Supernal titled: I Never Met Jesus of Nazareth! It's a great read about the little known journey's of Jesus as he walked the Earth.

Follow the link below to read it.

An Interview with Ben Dalton

Ben Dalton has delved deeply into the world of Human Design and Evolutionary Astrology and is Educational Consultant. This fascinating discussion explores how understanding Human Design can change a person’s life as they find out and understand how to fit into the world, being present in time!

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