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Talking Hypnosis

Talking Hypnosis

Join Peter each week as he talks all things hypnosis. From it's history to myths that you may of heard.

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Past life contracts

Past Life Hypnosist Dee Bucci talks with Peter Zapfella about 'past life contracts' and 'karma'. She also talks about 'consulting beings of light and soul growth.

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What is Hypnosis

Welcome to the first episode of Talking Hypnsis. We hope you enjoy.

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Why do we have past lives?

Peter Zapfella asks Dee Bucci … “Why do we have past lives?’ Dee explains the results of suicide upon future lives, and between lives. A reason for birth deformities? Recognition or ‘knowing’ someone you have just met? Soul mates? Twin flames or connected souls? Sudden death effects upon the soul? Ghosts?

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