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My Life As A Movie

My Life As A Movie

Join Michelle, Helen and Tracy each week as we review a movie from a 'human' point of view. We delve into what they reveal to us about ourselves, others and the world we live in. We talk about how movies and the power of storytelling can be used as a tool for greater self awareness, growth and even change.

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PIECES OF A WOMAN: Grief & Healing

Helen, Michelle and Tracy unpack the emotionally-loaded Netflix movie 'Pieces of a Woman' starring Academy-award and Golden Globe nominated actress Vanessa Kirby and Shia LeBeouf.

Tracy points out the paradox of life and death raised in the movie and we share our opinion on the infamous, graphic opening scene. Helen talks about the symbolism of key items in the movie and we reflect on the common saying of 'time heals all wounds.' Tracy explores the process of grieving, opening up about her personal experience with grief and her journey to healing. We disagree on how connected we felt to the characters in the film. Tracy informs us of the unhelpful practise that stunts the healing of grief in real life. Michelle shares how she buried her grief and what it took to turn it around. Helen shares a confronting, unexpected moment in a past pregnancy that gave her empathy for the characters. Michelle gives a surprising rating for the film.

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Helen, Jacob and Michelle recap the 93rd Academy Awards, sharing their opinion on this year’s new and ‘socially-distanced’ production format this year. We share our take on the Anthony Hopkins/Chadwick Boseman controversy, weighing-in on whether Boseman should have taken the award for Best Actor and ‘that ending.’ We highlight our favourite moments from the show and comment on this year’s winners and ‘losers’. We speculate on why this year was the least watched Oscars and what it would take to make the Oscars more relevant going forward.

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Helen and Jacob discuss Ryan Reynold's latest action/comedy film: Free Guy. Shawn Levy takes the director's seat and delves into the world of MMORPGs with this cinematic perspective of the life of an online gamer. Reynolds plays the obliviously delighted Non-Playable Character - Guy - who spends the film searching for love and purpose in a world designed to prohibit him from having either. As the two talk about the film, they realise just how much deeper the themes and messages of the film go. The two come to a revelation that this seemingly one-note comedy film packs just a bit more of a philosophical punch. Nevertheless, both Helen and Jacob reveal what they found heartfelt, hilarious, and hard to appreciate about the newest blockbuster attempting to tackle the world of gaming.

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