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Business Shakers

Business Shakers

Business Shakers is here every Sunday to bring you the latest tips, tool and business insider information. So that you can get through the BS of running your business.

Episodes you may like:
Motivation and inspiration

Operating a small business will have its turbulent wave of emotions with moments of exuberant highs and devastating lows. Today’s episode is speaking with a small business owner and how they have used their motivation to deliver more to their consumers and how they have utilised a network of supportive influences to keep their vision for their business on track.

Make you SEO stand out.

We continue our series on How to be seen, as we dive into search engine optimisation and websites. Our conversation with Reem Kubba from The SEO Room gives an insight on the importance of SEO and how to make your website rank on page number one on Google. Visit for more information.

Nutrition and your business

Pouring from an empty cup. How does nutrition effect your ability to run and operate a business? In today's world of fast paced lifestyles, we dive into the mind of a naturopath to answer how stress levels can be altered with wholesome foods. Beth Klenner, a naturopath joins us to answer business owners questions about how nutrition will be of benefit to run and operate your business. To learn more about Beth Klenner, click the link.