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Inside Relationships

Inside Relationships

Season 1 Episode: 4
How a near death experience helped my relationship with myself and others

This episode emphasises the importance of the relationship you have with yourself first.

Special guest Jennifer Burke talks with David and Russel about her near death experience and what she learnt from it.

Jennifer explains how she changed her life by following four simple guidelines or as Jennifer calls them, ‘the four agreements’. A discussion ensues, breaking down the ‘four agreements’, what each one means in a practical sense and in relation to others.

More Episodes:

Onscreen relationships vs Reality

David and Debra have a chat with filmmaker Jeremy Mullaly of Ithaka Media about his take on on-screen relationships, including some impacts of reality TV on relationships. For the stars, questions are raised regarding whether reality TV causes trauma and how far is too far for ratings? Using the example of MAFS, the team ponders what is reality TV teaching young people about their relationships and are we normalising bad behaviour with ‘reality TV’. For parents, David talks about how to start to have a safe conversation with your family regarding what relationship behaviour that is being seen on TV.

Intergenerational trauma and healing family and domestic violence through somatic types of therapy

An incredibly raw and in-depth interview with intergenerational family and domestic violence survivor and researcher Jennipher McDonald. A discussion ensues around where the line could be drawn regarding what could be considered domestic violence. Jennipher focuses on exploring self and the possibility to use somatic work such as ‘Theatre for living’ for healing trauma. The team discusses how dance, theatre and other physical activities can help support a new life by focusing on the present moment.

Insecurity and the quest for a healthy relationship

In this Episode, hosts David and Debra take a little time to introduce themselves and briefly talk about some of the challenges faced while being married 25 years.

With a special guest Cassie, the theme of this episode revolves around beginning and maintaining a relationship; fast-moving relationships, sticking at it, the death of first love (and holding a candle). Cassie discusses navigating Social media within your relationship and the constant comparisons and the struggle to feel secure in relationship.

We also touch on finding relationships face-to-face vs social media, online judging and how dating has changed; monogamy and the legacy of one night stands. Cassie talks briefly about growing-up with social media and questions ‘to post?’ or ‘not to post’? (are some things too important to post?).

The episode rounds-off with a discussion around five communication keys for a healthy relationship;

  1. Be sensitive,
  2. Be honest (and understand what honesty means to your partner),
  3. Create safety,
  4. See and acknowledge your partner’s perspective and
  5. Understand that all your words have meaning to your partner (even if you don’t mean it).