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Inside Relationships

Inside Relationships

An informative journey into the secrets of personal relationships guided by Accredited Mental Health Social Worker David of Milan Coaching and his partner of 25 years Debra. Each week David and Debra are joined by a special guest from a many different backgrounds ranging from Doctors to Hypnotherapists, to discuss and offer insight into a great variety of interesting relationship topics such as boundaries, commitment, honesty, fidelity, mental health, family, communication, values, narcissism, trauma, longevity, safety, beginning relationships & even how & when to finish a relationship.

Episodes you may like:
With special guest Katey Butler, life coach

This episode is all about relationships that people get into but want to exit really quickly.

Katey has approximately 17 years working with relationships and social groups, often where there is a lot of awkwardness, stress and anxiety.

David asks how do you know when someone is not right for you?Katey discusses the body reactions when meeting a person and how this can indicate that the person is not right for you.

Katey also gives suggestions around how to break-off an interaction when you suspect that the person is not right for you, particularly in what she labels narcissistic behaviour.

Katey talks about setting boundaries within relationships and how to compromise yet speak your truth.

David emphasises that how people say things to you is important in relationships and taking the time to explore each others personalities helps you get to know a person much better.

How a near death experience helped my relationship with myself and others

This episode emphasises the importance of the relationship you have with yourself first.

Special guest Jennifer Burke talks with David and Russel about her near death experience and what she learnt from it.

Jennifer explains how she changed her life by following four simple guidelines or as Jennifer calls them, ‘the four agreements’. A discussion ensues, breaking down the ‘four agreements’, what each one means in a practical sense and in relation to others.

Building relationships after (traumatic) foster care

Special guest Russell talks about his experience and challenges after being placed in more than 30 foster homes.

David facilitates in-depth discussion around how the foster system affected Russell’s adult relationships; positive and not so good.

David discusses how you form relationships when you are removed from your parents as an infant?

How do you recognise and break the cycle of abuse when you have grown up in a difficult environment with complex trauma?

Longer term impacts on trust and not understanding love.

What happens when you can't tell people what happened to you or how you feel.

How the body processes emotion and how to address the past

The difference between suppressing feelings and expressing feelings.

How do you forgive? How important is love for healing? How do you develop trust? How do you repair broken relationships?